The Nutty Buddy Collective
Acornucopia Project
"There plenty to go around and more to be had."
- Old squirrel proverb
Heading 4

A. C. O. R. N.
u f o u
l w t
t d t
u y i
r n
e e
Whole lotta nut'n going on
is rooted in Asheville, NC.
soon to sprout
up near you.

If you are kindred in your pursuit of a world that is completely nuts. I invite you to browse through the website. Find out how to get involved in this ground shaking project . We can always use help sorting nuts and check with us about foraging in the upcoming season. The A.P. is an all inclusive endeavor and there is something here for everyone. Please sign up for our newsletter.
In the news
Appalachian Voices article- 11/2021
Wanderschool Podcast- 1/30/2020
WNC Magazine- Nov/Dec 2019 issue
Mother Earth News- Podcast 6/21/18
Mountain Express- cover article 2/2018
Mountain xpress- acornucopia 2017
Mountain xpress- Nutty Buddy collective
Laurel of Asheville- Nutty Buddy Collective
wpvmfm radio interview 11/2016